Tuesday, January 18, 2011

A Dinoish Story, Part 1

Once upon a time, there was a magical island called DinoSawUs, located right smack in the middle between Austrailia and New Zealand in the Tasman Sea.

One day, explorers Chrisosawus and Ninjasawus found some mystical creatures living in the woods playing tag. They couldn't believe their eyes!

Dinosaurs! They slowly tip-toed to the dinosaurs but just when they were going to say hey mate, a siren sounded through the island calling that criminals were here! They all ran toward Chrisosawus and Ninjasawus, then they both yelled at the exact same time, we are here to explore, not attack!

The crowd of nearly 1,000 dinos said, oh! Excuse me! Coming through! Get your coffee away from my tarantula skins! Sorry for all the chaos! I am King Kukaburrasashana [Ku-ka-bur-ra-sa-sha-na] the 29th. You can call me, King K.

Welcome to DinoSawUs! We have been living here for more than 5,000 years! We sailed for new land because our nation, Papau New Guinea, was getting so warm. So we moved south where it gets colder. Wait a sec, what type of animal are you strange beings? To be continued...

Written by Pignut Yam

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